Fake positive reviews, fake before-after pictures and all round fake clinic. Six months ago I had the misfortune of going for treatment to this Hairline Clinic. Took their so-called world famous PRP treatment and got not even 1% improvement. In fact I am pretty sure that I lost more hair after taking that treatment. But since I am 30 and married now, so I thought forget it, its anyways a cosmetic treatment, not some life threatening problems, so even if not treated, no issues. So I lost around 50 K with these looters and that was out of my mind. However what has really upset me which prompted me to write this review nearly 6 months after the treatment is that this appears to be an all out fake clinic. Why do I say so? Not just because the treatment did not work. Ok that can happen. But because the other day I was surfing on the net looking for some other hair clinic and I came across this clinic in New York. Check this link
On this link look at the before-after picture in the middle column, 2nd from above. And now compare this picture with the before-after pictures in the advertisement of Hairline clinic and another fake clinic called Vibes, attached as PHOTO A. You will be shocked that the same image has been used by all 3 clinics. How can 3 different clinics located in two different parts of the world have treated the same patient, and have the exact same before-after photos.
So which clinic has really treated this patient? The New York clinic, Hairline clinic or Vibes? I did more research still and you know what I found? It seems like the Hairline Clinic has not had even one successful patient and thus it has to steal images from other clinics. That this is an open source photograph available on the internet in google images. You can just download it from their and pass it off as your own. Even you and I can open a clinic tomorrow and say this is our patient and he grew so much hair after our treatment. Anyone can do that. Means can you imagine how fake this whole scenario of before-after picture is. Don't fall for their trap. Don't believe in any before and after images. As I was doing all the above research I came across one more clinic website run by a so-called doctor, Dr Anjali who is giving hair treatment in Mumbai. I went through her website in detail and saw some before-after pictures. One of these pictures really got me laughing. I have uploaded the picture here. Check the photo out, attached here as PHOTO B. On first look the photo looks really good. One is dated April 2010 (before) and the other one is dated Feb 2011 (after). Looking at them you will think- wow what good improvement. But look closely. The guy is wearing the exact same shirt in the both before-after pictures. See the shirt-collar on the left side in the before picture. It's a bit upturned. The exact same up-turned collar you will find in the after picture which is taken nearly 8 months later. Now look at the shirt-creases on the right side in the before picture and then in the after picture. Exact same shirt creases in both pictures. HA. HA. HA. Both the before-after pictures have same guy with the same shirt, same upturned shirt-collar and same shirt creases. And these photos have been taken nearly 8 months apart. How can that be even 1% possible? What a******joke. These guys are just fooling us completely. In conclusion I can only say this. See every doctor is not bad. But beware of these clinics which show before-after pictures in their advertisements. Most of them are downloaded from the internet or photo-shopped. If you want to be certain do like this- ask the clinic to give the phone nos of the exact same patient as shown in the before-after picture. You will just see how they make excuses and start to squirm away from that. Because then the real picture will be out.