Hair fall Reduced!! Thanks to Dr. Batra

Dr Batra's

Hair fall was a big worry in my life. I had started getting bald patches on my scalp. I did not knew what to do. I tried different brands of oil so that I can stop my hair fall. But nothing worked. Whenever I used to comb my hair I used to loose my hair. This issue was getting very serious and then I thought i need some consultation. One of my friend suggested me the name of 2 to 3 doctors. Dr. Batra was one among them. I had heard about him many a times. Also, there are many clinics of Dr. Batra all across mumbai. I had heard that homepathy treatment has long lasting effects sp I went for consultation at Dr. Batra and they treated me with homepathy medicines. Initially the asked me few question based on my daily lifestyle. some diagnosis were done and then they gave me homeopatic medicines accordingly. I am very satisfied with the treatment and my hairfall has reduced. I am still undergoing their treatment and I am sure within more few months my hair fall will stop completely.