With so many fake astrology-mongers who simply trade on astrology and have no idea and knowledge on the powers of astrology, numerology and Vastu.brbrHere Dr. Debashish Goswami, have come up with the best advises on Rudraksha, gemstones, astrology, Horary and also Medical-Astro as the top astrologer in Kolkata.br
Astro Jyotish
With so many fake astrology-mongers who simply trade on astrology and have no idea and knowledge on the powers of astrology, numerology and Vastu.brbrHere Dr. Debashish Goswami, have come up with the best advises on Rudraksha, gemstones, astrology, Horary and also Medical-Astro as the top astrologer in Kolkata.br
by Dr Debas
15 August 2017