Using this trimmer for a month its the right time to share my opinion , Flawless delivery and packaging is what i can say about this product. ..
Trimmer is very good and has very precise adjustments for grooming.

1. consider your requirements of trimming. close shave is not that good. let's say, if u want a french beard. u can trim it precisely to the length. but, close shave of rest of the beard is not good with this machine. [use another electric shaver or a razor instead]
2. 2 double action cut system which helps you to achieve close and perfect shave in a single stroke
3. pop-up trimmer is perfect for grooming sideburns and moustache
4. Do not try this with a bunch of hair in your beard, use scissors to reduce the bunch and then use it , then this proves to be perfect , using this with bunch on your face - pain gaurenteed!!!

finally, it's a good pick, Worth the money u spend. battery is good i charge once in two weeks being a regular user i use it once in three days . So go for it ...