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(95 Reviews)
(76 Reviews)
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(46 Reviews)
Fab Furnish
Had almost bought the folding study table from Fab furnish website for 6500 when at the last moment I thought of checking for deals at mydala. WHOOOOAAA! I got the deal and saved Rs 1000brAwesome. Just took the code and paid Rs 5500.brSo...Simple.
by Debashis
27 August 2015
Saved 1000 on study table. Thank you Mydala
Fab Furnish
Had almost bought the folding study table from Fab furnish website for 6500 when at the last moment I thought of checking for deals at mydala. WHOOOOAAA! I got the deal and saved Rs 1000brAwesome. Just took the code and paid Rs 5500.brSo...Simple.
by Debashis
27 August 2015