My battle with lichen planus started three years ago. I tried many places, but none had great results. I inquired at Dr. Batra's and they told me about Ignatia. I tried this medicine and it has worked so well, I can't believe it! Thank you so much! I was really scared when lichen planus first reared its ugly head on my body. As it was affecting a sensitive area, I was uncertain about any intrusive measures. I tried homeopathy from Dr. Batra's first, and it worked! The irritation is gone, and the affected area is much smaller!
Dr Batra's
My battle with lichen planus started three years ago. I tried many places, but none had great results. I inquired at Dr. Batra's and they told me about Ignatia. I tried this medicine and it has worked so well, I can't believe it! Thank you so much! I was really scared when lichen planus first reared its ugly head on my body. As it was affecting a sensitive area, I was uncertain about any intrusive measures. I tried homeopathy from Dr. Batra's first, and it worked! The irritation is gone, and the affected area is much smaller!
by vikkyjai
12 March 2015