Nimantran Daawat-E-Naan is a fine dining Restaurany in Noida that is known for its hygenic North Indian Food and Non Veg food.Nimantran Daawat-E-NaanNimantran Daawat-E-Naan
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User Reviews (1)
Nimantran Daawat-E-Naan
Nimantran daawat-e-naan is the best and famous hotel for tasty and delicious dishes. Top veg and nonveg dishes are available. The room service is very best. The rooms are best, clean and luxurius. The staff is very best and active and provides fast service. Best discount is available on dishes.
Nimantran Daawat-E-Naan
Nimantran daawat-e-naan is the best and famous hotel for tasty and delicious dishes. Top veg and nonveg dishes are available. The room service is very best. The rooms are best, clean and luxurius. The staff is very best and active and provides fast service. Best discount is available on dishes.
Ramesh Mah..
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29 May 2013