Scary House is the best place for people seeking adventure and wish to spend fun filled time with their family or friends. It’s a fun place for the strong hearted who wish to explore the unknown world of creaking walls and slimy doors. Your only goal will be to evade the predators who stalk you through the darkness….to be a survivor of a scary yet exciting expedition....
Scary House
Kurla East
Dear Sir/Madam,
We await a sincere apology frm the 'Scary House' Team that we visited dated 23/10/2016...Please note sharp nails on the walls of the pitch dark show tore my T shirt and bruised my back ...being in the entertrainment and service industry I was schoked by the behaviour of the Scary House team and their tone..they refused to return our INR 500 paid for 5 adults even after seeing the bruised back and torn T Shirt and considering we came out 45 seconds frm entering the show...What is also serious is the fact that one of the team members confirmed that the radium lights were not functioning ....Request you to please take this seriously else I shall make sure that every public forum and a formal letter is sent to the Pheonix Market City Kurla management regarding this issue. Thanks and regards. Kushal Sengupta (French Embassy in India)
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25 October 2016