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Hotel MJ

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Hotels in Travel


195, Delhi Road, Opposite Roadways Bus Stand, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh - 250002

Explore the historical and modern attributes of the heart of India by accommodating at Hotel MJ. It is a lavishing property that provides modern facilities with the purpose of total relaxation of its guests. A number of travel vacationers from across the world come to the city and prefer to stay at this wonderful hotel. Its salient attributes are well-furnished rooms and suites, modernized dining spaces and astonishing event venues....

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Hotel MJ

As far as I know, its gold gym. It has the best cardio equipment and the trainers their guide you in the right direction. Golds gym has the best of equipment not just for cardio but even the weights their are in of various scales from a beginner to an experienced everyone can hit the gym and find it perfect.