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Pace Gadgets

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364/6, Shastri Nagar, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh - 250001

Pace Gadgets deals in computers, laptops, digital camera, LCD TV, mobile phones, home theater, DVD players, Tata Sky, printer, accessories, hardware, new & old computer sales and service total IT solutions for home and offices, buying and selling of new and old computers, laptops assembling new computer. Pace Gadgets is the one stop shop for all kinds of maintenance and repair of computers and laptops and offer services in AMC, Computer & Laptop service, Tata sky recharge. It offers services to companies such as HP, HCL, Dell, Lenovo, Acer, Samsung, LG, Sony, Intex, Frontech, Beetal, AOC. This is the perfect place for all your IT and Infrastructure needs. The workshop/ laboratory is equipped with all kinds of advanced tools & machinery. A dedicated team of engineers’ technicians & experts ensures you get value for money. So, next time you want to buy a new laptop or your computer needs repairing, just drop in here. ...

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