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Swar Sadhna

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K-391, Ground floor, Near Indira Gandhi's Statue, Shastri Nagar, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh - 250001

We offer Indian Classical Vocal, Indian Light Vocal, Guitar and Dance classes here in Swar Sadhna. We are trying to provide the best music classes in the town. Classes are been taken by very experienced and the best in their respected stream teachers; who are well known in the city and have more then 10 years of experience in Music Teaching (Respeted Stream). We focus on each child because we believe that every child is special and have some Music in him/her. The need is to just bring his/her Music out from him and nourishing it. We are master in it and give our best to the students. We believe that Music is an Performing Art..... and this is why we teach our students with the way they can perform in the public in their respective field....

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