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Fine Dining in Restaurants


95, Rash Behari Avenue, Below Priya Cinema, Kolkata, West Bengal - 700029

The restaurant has the eloquent ambience of the Mughal era with hanging Jhoomars and tall mirrors while one of the walls is adorned with Persian Clay plates. A seating capacity of 75, spread over a floor space of about 2000 sq ft affords adequate personal space. The walls adorn water colour Paintings of old Calcutta by a local artist by the name of Apurba Mazumdar. The paintings are also on sale. With soft music in the background, the diners can enjoy a variety of Kabaabs with their Mocktail followed by a plate of Biriyani with chap or Rezala. Ta'aam gives you the dining opulence of a fine dining restaurant but at a very affordable price....

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