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Freshly Wrapped

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Fast Food in Restaurants


Ground Floor, BIPL Building, Bengal Intelligent Park, Sector 5, Salt Lake, Kolkata, West Bengal - 700091

No matter how much choice we get, a few more are always welcome, specially, when it’s regarding food. The color, smell and freshness of food increase our appetite and we enjoy trying out a variety of dishes. While some prefer to stick to their regulars, some gourmets are open to tasting innovative food from different parts of the world. Fast food has increased in demand over the few years. People do not have time for long queues. Lunch breaks during work are short. Everybody is hungry by the time they reach the food kiosk. So if you are in need of a perfect lunch, breakfast or dinner at a fast food restaurant, no worries, Freshly Wrapped specially brings to you varieties of Mexican dishes, as well as Portuguese, Lebanese and Jamaican dishes to be relished with delight....

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