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Coffee Halt at Cafela

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Cafe in Restaurants


56, Jatin Das Road, Opposite Priya Cinema & Triangular Park, Near Jugal's Sweets Shop, Desapriya Park, Kolkata, West Bengal - 700029

Coffee Halt at Cafela has been created keeping in mind the psyche and passion of the new emerging Kolkata. The city is known for its famous Buddha-tongue, capable of accepting and appreciating a Himalayan range of taste. With this, comes the taste for art, culture and music. Hence this forms a collage of good food where some are authentic and other, experimental. People often come and sing, play the guitar and spend sincere and quality time. Musical events are organised every Sunday to serve the flavour of live music and performances over coffee and good food. The ambiance is of an old building, bay windows and walls filled with line art and frescoes. The exit stair takes you through a variety of fashion, art, apparels and accessories that you can collect to add to the tang....

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