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Bob's Clinic

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Health in Health & Beauty


7/1,Lake Terrace, Opposite Executive Point, Desopriya Park, Opposite Sai Baba Mandir, Rash Behari Avenue Crossing, Kolkata, West Bengal - 700029

Bob Suvadeep Saha is a famous Hair, Skin & Beauty Consultant. He is a 3 time award winner and holds 38 diplomas and a P.G diploma from India and abroad from reputed places such as Tony and Guy, Vidal Sessune, and Morris International. Bob's salon specializes in intensive skin care treatment and provides cure for common skin ailments such as Acne, Wrinkles, Pigmentation, Post Acne scars, Mesotherapy and more. They also have a specialized surgery division under the guidance of a renowned aesthetic, cosmetic plastic surgeon who treats tags, warts, mole liposuction and other such similar skin conditions....

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