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The Soleus Gym

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Fitness in Health & Beauty


AE-140, Rabindra Pally, Near Kalamandir, Kestopur, Kolkata, West Bengal - 700101

Thousands of gym, fitness centers and physiotherapy centers are mushrooming without following even minimal standard criteria. Absence of qualified personals also in these centers poses a threat to health. With false promises and high charges, people are lured to fall into the trap. Even one wrong technique of exercise can permanently damage one’s health. For someone who has diabetes, thyroid disease, hypertension or arthritic conditions, only specialised physiotherapists or doctors can prescribe exercises after proper assessment, evaluation and planning, otherwise landing up with major disabilities or permanent damage may occur in no time. It may also turn fatal in certain situations. The Soleus gym is here to provide advanced, scientific and research based exercise therapy, theraputic Yoga and wellness...

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