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Shyaams Workout

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Fitness in Health & Beauty


50 B, Muktaram Babu Street, IInd Floor, Little Kingdom Montessori School, Close to Marble Place, Ram Mandir, Girish Park, Kolkata, West Bangal - 700007

In this era of fast paced life and unhealthy lifestyles, the first thing that gets affected is our health. Shyaams Workout is one place where you can find the mantra to stay healthy and in shape. It understands the needs of individuals, their lifestyles and problems faced. Shyaams Workout is one-stop gym for beating the flab that you accumulate while leading a sedentary life at office or at home. Moreover, if you are a fitness freak and have the urge to always stay in shape, you can join the sessions provided by them. So enrol today and get ready to experience a fit and healthy life!...

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