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HMB Fitness Zoom

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Fitness in Health & Beauty


R/AB, 20/1 Raghunathpur, Teghoria, VIP Road, Behind Hotel Heritage, Kolkata, West Bengal- 700059

The name H.M.B.was wined by Mr. Hariprasad Bairagi, who is a production businessman. To fulfil his aim, his only son Mr. Raju Bairagi founded H.M.B. fitness zoom by all his efforts and hardwork. The one and only aim of H.M .B. fitness zoom to provide each and every citizen of India a healthy, strong, disease free, tensionless life. Those who are shortheighted, fatty heavy weighted, (obessed), seems like aged, suffering from mental tension, depression ,could not get rid of their internal problems and ladies who are suffering from their internal problems, to take you away from all above mentioned tension, I Mr. Raju Bairagi putting my 19 years experience and hardwork had founded this H.M.B. fitness zoom....

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