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Arijit's Workout

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Fitness in Health & Beauty


Alexander Court, 60/1, Chowringhee Road, Next to Rabindra Sadan Metro, Kolkata, West Bengal - 700020

Arijit's Workout is one of the famous fitness centers across Kolkata. With over 7 years of experience, they have been striving to keep their client and customers at the peak of their health making them look attractive and healthy all the way through. A fitness regime fashioned to help you achieve a body you have only dreamt of and the best thing is you do not have to slog for it. No machines or Gels or even complicated therapies! At Arijit's workout you will be introduced to a whole new mode of weight loss that has revolutionized the way we have been viewing the whole weight loss saga. Keeping up with such complicated fitness therapies, getting injured on heavy machines while working out or consumption of medicines, application of gels and ointments all are nothing but a burden and this is what makes Arijit's different from the rest. So, roll up your sleeves and catch up with a healthy lifestyle, a picture where you will find yourself slim, trim and active as never before! This is one crazy offer you just can't afford to miss....

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