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9th Spot Pub

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Pubs & Bars in Restaurants


4TH Floor, Above kalaniketan, Patny centre, Secunderabad, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh- 500003

9th Spot Pub’s spacious sprawl is designed to make you linger: clean and bright, with a dash of vibrant hues on the neutral-colored walls, elegant furniture and sophisticated and contemporary décor. This tavern scores a perfect ten when it comes to keeping its guests in high spirits all night long. The drinks menu includes an array of liquor and cocktails that claim a unique influence plus familiar lagers, wines and other niche libations. And believe it or not, with this offer you get UNLIMITED access to splurge on your favorite brew. The food is fill-me-up club grub, perfect fuel for a night on the dance floor and compliments your poison to the T....

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