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Plot No. 70, Road No. 1, Check Post Road, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh - 500033

As one of the few premium lounges across India, SPOIL devotes and dedicates its every breath and move to those who demand only the best. Softly lit by numerous floor level LEDs that offer a breathtaking optical, SPOIL promises to be one of the most spectacular and niche lounges in the country. With an International team of Bartenders and DJ’s, SPOIL does justice to its claim with sheer élan, to own the most sensual yet subtle spirit of high life. The music is unobtrusive, global, soothing and exotic at the same time, providing the much sought after unwinding experience. The menu is an eclectic mix of an innovative cocktail list and International classics that tempts patrons to choose from numerous adventurous creations and global starters offering a variety of Continental, Pan Asian and Indian quick eats. So, undoubtedly SPOIL is the one stop happening hub of pleasure and passion....

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