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Twilight - Manasarovar The Fern Hotel

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Fine Dining in Restaurants


Manasarovar The Fern Hotel, US Consulate Lane, Begumpet, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh - 500003

An Open Terrace Multi cuisine restaurant at Manasarovar, The Fern Hotel offers various options like an open terrace overlooking the majestic Hussain Sagar Lake or the air-conditioned glass restaurant with a display kitchen. For an elaborate, cozy dinner with your family or business associates we offer a choice of 3 elegantly designed private dining rooms making it a great place for a casual get together or even a romantic dinner. Here we serve you with some delectable cuisines from all across the world to make for a perfect evening. The menu is carefully selected and guests tend to enjoy their time with a good selection of International wines....

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