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Khao Galli

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Fine Dining in Restaurants


Ground Floor, Cyber Towers, Hitech City, Madhapur, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh - 500081

With its location within the foundation of the great hyderabad IT success story, the Hitech City, Khao Galli is the destination of choice for professionals from around the entire business hub. Serving multi-cuisine lunch and dinner, it is one of the busiest restaurants both weekdays and weekends alike thanks to its ever popular menu and gourmet food. Regular food festivals and special live food counters make the Khao Gali one of the most sparkling restaurants in town. Khao Galli at its peak of its credibility already established its credentials as the house of quality food and services and ranks among the best of the groups offerings under the hospitality sector. A guarantee of total SATISFACTION, QUALITY, PROFESSIONALISM and of course GREAT FOOD are the hallmarks of the restaurant....

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