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Jewel Of Nizam Restaurant

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Fine Dining in Restaurants


House No. 10-1-124, Hotel Golconda, Opposite JNTU Polytechinc College, Beside Mahaveer Hospital, Masab Tank, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh - 500028

The Nizams left a Jewel back only for you at the Golkonda Hotel at “Jewel of Nizam” for a Royal Hyderabadi fine dining experience. The rich taste and unforgettable aroma from the rare recipes handed down, from the days of Nizams and the décor that echoes the royal past make you relive the legacy of true Nawabi dining. The restaurant highlights the grand private dining table and the collection of Royal Jewelries, all presented in vogue Nizami impression with live instrumental music to relish a memorable experience....

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