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Hunan Restaurant

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Fine Dining in Restaurants


Shop No. 5 and 6, Budling No. 1-1-38, Diamond Towers, SD Road, Near Belsons Taj Mahal Hotel Secunderabad, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh - 500003

Hunan Restaurant is the flagship brand of Speciality Restaurants which is the largest chain of fine dining restaurants in the country today. It serves authentic Chinese cuisine from the major provinces of China - Hunan, Sichuan, Guangdong, staying true to the practices and traditions of the land. The Menu includes appetite stimulating starters like Hunan Prawns, Yue Yang Spicy Barbecued Fish, Konjee Crispy Lamb, Lettuce Wraps with Sauteed Waterchestnuts, Corn and Mushrooom and the all time favourite Crackling Spinach. The main course has a delicious variety like Chilli Basil Fish in a Clay Pot, Honey Glazed Lemon Chicken, Prawns Hubei Style, Roast Duck with Chilli Plum Sauce, Potato Tsing Hoi Style, seasonal vegetables in Mahlak Sauce, Lotus Leaf Wrapped rice with Corn Kernels and Almonds, Fragrant Pot Rice, Singapore Rice Noodles and many more....

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