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Delight 9 Restaurant

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Fine Dining in Restaurants


Plot No. 32/B, Sardar Patel Nagar, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh - 500085

Delight 9 Restaurant is an exclusive vegetarian as well as non vegetaran Restaurant, in Hydernagar,Hyderabad. The Delight9 offers live vegetarian and non-vegetarian starters in unlimited helpings. Delight9 is the new land mart of fine dining, banquet halls and conference halls. Delight. the world itself means a treat, for your senses with its tantalizing, expertise and lingering taste and chrome, delight9 set to create a feast for your heart and soul, it balances flavors and healthy cuisine, keeping the traditional Indian cuisine burning light. If you want to experience an euthenics ethic nutrition's home like food cooked in hygienic surroundings then please you are most welcome to delight9. ...

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