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Fast Food in Restaurants


North Pole Online Food LLP, H No. 3-9/3, Shop No 11,Ground Floor, RTC Colony, Madinaguda, Miyapur Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh - 500049

We are a bunch of creative people who belong to entirely different worlds. But there is one thing common to us and that is the age of our kids . Ok on a serious note, All of us (including the kids) have been die hard ice cream fans ! So we would meet up every day and have great fun with the kids and do crazy experiments with ice creams. And then one fine day it was all so evident ! We decided to bring back the ‘X’ that we knew the ice cream world had Always Missed ! We are a big family now. We eat, watch movies, shop, argue, even take our children out together, you name it and we do it together. But we still have completely different lines of thoughts and just about nothing matches between us. So we actually turned this into our strength by conceptualizing amazingly unique flavors that we offer....

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