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Plot No.94, Phase 2 IDA, Cherlapally, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500051

Heart & Soul is a health food-product corporation based in Hyderabad, India. We use sorghum - a drought resistant, high fibre grain as the main component for a series of popular and tasty health foods ranging from crackers to porridge to baked chips and more. Low fat and low sodium, these products offer a healthier alternative to the health conscious and food enthusiasts alike. The Heart & Soul team is an innovative, eager group who have come together to develop combinations of this underrated wholegrain with natural, non-adulterated ingredients, that produce the most wholesome snack ever to hit the shelves of your local grocery store. We focus on 'typical' Indian ingredients of savoury and sweet classics. Combine this focus with our emphasis on health and we have a uniquely Indian product line of original health food. Whether you crave something with your chai or an extra crunch in your lunch, we have the answer, custom-made for YOUR pallet With growing popularity and the goal to be the one-stop shop for your health food needs, we proudly embrace our role as India's premier and sincere health snack provider. Help us come to you. Spread the word, share the crackers!...

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