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Puff N Stuff

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Cafe in Restaurants


Flat no 1A, 1st Floor, Shiv Shyam Kuteer, Near DPS School, Above 5th Avenue Gallery, Diamond Point, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh-500009

A lively pub in the heart of Hyderabad, The Puff and Stuff is the place to be, whether you want to wind down after a hectic day at work, or jazz up your weekend. The snazzy new interiors at The Puff and Stuff guarantee to help you relax. With a large screen that plays a range of music videos and sports events, they provide customers with a complete entertainment experience. A little unwinding, eating out over hookah, and spending some alone time with friends and family is always sought for. No one can say no to that. For this, you need to be at the perfect place, at the right time, with the right people!...

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