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Cake Affairs

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Cafe in Restaurants


407, Bhargavi Residency, Habsiguda, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh - 500007

We specialize in making your ultimate Designer Cakes customized only to you and your thoughts. That doesn’t means that we will charge you a bomb but, it’s almost the same price, your neighbourhood bakers might charge, in-fact we have the BEST quality which might be missing from your favourite Baker. We believe that you should always remember the cake you cut for the occasion along with your friends, family and dear ones which should be something unforgettable, we offer the Designer Cakes right from Birthday’s of kids or a cake to your loving Dad on his Retirement Day, to a simple Congratulatory Cake for your Boss, or a Graduation cake for your nephew, or might be a naughty cake for your boyfriend for his last Bachelor’s Party whatever your themes or ideas can be, we fulfill it, each of our cake is hand sculpted and 100% unique, making the choice endless!...

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