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Flat 108, B-31, Vimal Towers, Jubilee Hills Road No-5,Hyderabad - 500033

Lovely Chocos is a product of Rudrasa web development and marketing private limited located in Hyderabad. We are also proud that it's India's first and only online customized chocolate store. Our passion for webportals has given shape to innovative concepts of which www.lovelychocos.com is one of them. Every body loves chocolate, so buying chocolates readymade is old school and boring, no longer do we have to go by the set designs and concepts of the retailers. We thought of giving chocolate lovers the ultimate choice of creating your own unique tastes and designs. Our aim is to create a brand name for Lovelychocos and also to open Retail customized stores by next year. We are not only looking forward to the retail market but also planning on getting Lovelychocos into the corporate sector....

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