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Wellington Food Products

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Banjara Hills, Road-12, Beside Reliance Digital, Opposite to Heritage Fresh, Shadnagar, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh - 500034

Chocolates can melt anybody's heart with their warm demeanor and seductive flavors. Clubbed with strawberries and nuts, they make for a lethal combination, ideal for those special moments with your beloved. More so, if that chocolate has an inner filling of crunchy and roasted almonds, the chocolate eating experience becomes all the more enjoyable. So, if this is how you like your chocolates, then Wellington Food Products - SAAS Group is the perfect place for you. The place specializes in delicious Almond Chocolates that carry an exquisite aroma with them. The moment you grab a piece, the rich flavoring just fills your mouth and leaves you asking for more. The chocolate store house plenty of mouthwatering chocolates to suit every palate. In short, the right sweetness & smoothness of the chocolate will enchant your taste buds in a surreal fantasy of taste that is hard to resist....

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