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Happiness Sale

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Cyber Towers, 9th Floor, Hi-Tech City, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh - 500029

HappinessSale.com is the e-commerce arm of the RayChait Media Group. HappinessSale provides an integrated shopping site where consumers are able to buy products at great discounts and get speedy home delivery. HappinessSale.com offers a comprehensive range of Digital products with a vision to be a dominant player in the online stores. HappinessSale.com works on b2c model with core competence on brands, quality products, best deals, widest range of digital products to its customers. HappinessSale.com have strategic tie-ups and alliances with top International manufacturer, distributors, and importers directly to provide better and Competitive pricing and bridges the gap in bring-in the latest gadgets to the India market quickly thereby, capturing a substantial market share. HappinessSale.com has partnered with the best brand owners, such as Apple, Samsung, Philips, Sony, Sandisk and many more…… to provide superlative quality and exceptional value from the stage of product selection, to placing the order & all the way to the final delivery at your doorstep – an experience that you can depend upon! HappinessSale delivers across more than 1500 cities and towns in India covering 16,000 pin codes. By the virtue of being a part of RayChait Media Group, HappinessSale is able to offer a wide range of genuine products at very competitive prices, confidence of buying from a trusted source and the convenience of speedy home delivery....

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