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House Number 1-11-255, Number 303, L N Srinivas, Naik Estate, Beside Old Airport Road, Begumpet, Hyderabad, - 500016

Investopresto is a next generation investment portal that helps small investors make smart investment decisions. It is especially meant for young, tech savvy people with very little or no knowledge of investing. Apart from obviously, delivering good returns to our shareholders, we aim to achieve the following through Investopresto: Make investing fun and easy. Help small investors beat inflation and create wealth for themselves by enabling them to make smart, data-driven investment decisions. Make intelligent investing accessible to everyone who can use a computer or mobile phone irrespective of their level of familiarity with financial jargon. Help people deal with the uncertainties of investing by equipping them with easy to use tools that allow them to analyze and optimize their investment portfolios....

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