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Hi-Tech City, Madhapur, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh - 500081

At Pleasingtimes.com we understand the need for privacy and secrecy while shopping for personal care and sensual range of products. We also believe that there should be no compromise on either quality or service when it comes to buying these products. And with this understanding and belief that sets us apart in the field of online shopping. Our range of products includes bath and body products, beauty care, pleasure products, sexual wellness products and sensual wear. We only deal in time tested and proven brands such as Lelo, Kamasutra, Durex, Bijoux, Hustler, Booty Parlor, Intimate Organics, KY, La Intimo,Eros, LyLou, Shivalik, Hashmi, Everteen, GRF Ayurveda, Bipha, TVAM, SoulFlower, 18 Again, Blosom to name few of leading brands. We provide the most secure online payment gateway and accept various payment options including credit card, debit card and Netbanking. The products are packaged well so that no one but the recipient knows what's in it and delivered to your doorstep....

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