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House No. 8-2-293/82/A/1125, Road No. 36, Jublee Hills, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh - 500033

Your search for finest artifacts stops here. We are Maayin, an online store for the connoisseurs of art. Maayin brings finest artifacts to your doorstep. We offer exquisite and vast collection of authentic artifacts from artisans from India as well countries such as Germany, Canada , Tunisia, Thailand , Poland, Italy, Peru, Mexico etc. Parampara Crafts (P) Ltd is incorporated in the year 2009, headquartered in Hyderabad. A global art house offers a comprehensive collection of artifacts from artists in India as well as abroad. We are in the process of setting up a chain of art stores across India as well as rest of the World . We do extensive research, make personal visits to the artists' places and then select the artifacts for showcasing in our stores as well as our websites. With the ability to identify and handpick finest artifacts from across the globe, we stand apart from others....

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