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Prashanth Tarot Reader

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Astrology in Miscellaneous


Sri Datta Homes, Opposite Mediplus Shop, Near Ayyappa Temple, Baghamberpet Shivam Road, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh - 500011

The first use of tarot was in a game called Triumphs. Gradually it was adopted as a tool for divination. Over the years, it has grown into a special art, a metaphysical tool that enables us to look into our lives and find some extra information we hadn't really understood or known about before. Tarot brings to light a confirmation of things you've always known or helps to add a new perspective to a perplexing question or problem. Prashanth has been reading and teaching the tarot cards on a professional basis and has a wealth of experience and knowledge on how to interpret this ancient art....

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