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Akshar Wellness Center

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Spa in Health & Beauty


2nd Floor 201, Ekta Pearl, Above Ratnadeep Supermarket, Kothaguda, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh - 500084

Globally there is a rise in physical and mental ailments due to natural, genetic disorders and more particularly due to stress and high pollution levels . Pollution does not merely end with air , water and sound. Pollution seeps into our daily life style. Day to day intake- be it vegetables, dairy products, meat etc.. brim with chemical invasion. Mainstream treatments for even a minor ailments further fills the bodies with Chemical drugs. An increasing awareness of this helpless situation in resulting in a shift towards ancient, time tested drugless therapies. Alternate therapies like Acupressure, Acupuncture, Foot Reflexology, Thai Yoga Therapy, Shiatsu have gained popularity once again....

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