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Adit Kerala Ayurvedic Centre

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Spa in Health & Beauty


Adit kerela, Flat No. 102, 1st Floor, Archana Apartment, 1-11-252/1/A, Lane 2, Street No. 3, Begumpet, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh- 500016

Adit Kerala Ayurvedic Centre is an authentic Ayurvedic center that offers natural healing therapy for a wide range of ailments which includes arthritis, skin disorders, eye care, obesity and other metabolic disorders etc. It is known for offering complete physical and mental wellbeing through authentic Ayurvedic treatments and therapies in a hygienic setting by trained specialists. Adit provides customized detoxifying and de-stressing packages, also organize workshops and medical camps to help create a better awareness about Ayurveda amongst the public....

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