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Lucas Academy & Salon

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Salon in Health & Beauty


Road No 36, Fortune Atrium, 4th Floor, Above KFC,Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh-500033

Meet Lucas, one of Hyderabad’s leading hair experts today who believes that hairstyling is a living art form. Having completed his advanced course in Hair Care from Vidalsasson in the U.K, Lucas founded Lucas Academy & Salon with a motto to specialise in dramatic holistic makeovers, so much so that his clientele range from ordinary people, to socialites, to Bollywood and Tollywood actors like Salman, Swathi, Anushka, Ram, Prabhas, Nitin, Bindu Sindhura and Nishanti to name a few. He designs complete makeovers that take into account the requirement and profession of his clients, which include all aspects from makeup, hair colour and hair style.Known to pamper his clients, Lucas plans and executes every creation of his with the same dedication and personalized attention. With his encyclopedic knowledge of hair products and the hair industry and bold ideas, Lucas offers you the perfect combination of the tried-and-tested and the new....

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