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Power Reign Fitness Gym

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Fitness in Health & Beauty


Plot No. A12/B & A12/P, Rishab Heights, 4th Floor, A.S. Rao Nagar Main Road, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh- 500062

Reign, a popular destination in Hyderabad for fitness conscious, young and elderly alike, is home to latest equipment, world-class ambiance and standards. Located at a place which is convenient and accessible, the gym is serving people for three years now. With spacious ventilation and state-of-the-art modern infrastructure, it offers an array of services under the guidance of experienced trainers. Reign works on a principle that every workout should have a purpose and a plan. And it helps you to identify that purpose and plan your work outs accordingly. So join Reign Gym right now and be fit & healthy!...

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