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Fitness in Health & Beauty


Ageless, 1-90-2/70 Ground Floor, Vitalrao Nagar, Madhapur, Hitech City, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh - 500081

Ageless has been formed under the effective supervision and guidance of a panel of experts including Dietician physiotherapist,beauticians and doctors.we have been giving our services to people suffering from overweight and also obesity problems.Ageless has not even contributed in weight reduction but also helped its client get back into proper shape which could not only improve their appearances but also increase their self confidence and thereby helping them to achieve their goals in life with style and confidence. Ageless slimming clinic has over 1500 satisfied clients and has been extremely successful in delivering weight lose to our clients on time with a permanent solution.In Ageless treatment is completely non surgical,no pills ,no crash dieting nor excessive exercise which provide weight loss and inch loss without any side-effects.At Ageless the client is exposed to a spacious and very comfortable ambience with all the privacy required by the client.Ladies and gents have separate treatment rooms with separate individual therapist to individual client.personal dieticians will always guide the client and help them to lead a healthy life. ...

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