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Forest Club Pvt. Ltd.

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Pubs & Bars in Restaurants


P No-1150, Jungle Chauri, Deoria Road, Gorakhpur HO, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh - 273001

Escape from the confines of the busy city and join in on the excitement and relaxation that Forest Club has to offer. This exotic club is located right on the highway, just about 15 kms from Golghar on the main Gorakhpur Deoria highway. The Club offers an array of consumer-centric services and facilities to turn your stay in to a really unforgettable experience. For your children's enjoyment we have a large and baby swimming pool and children's play ground and lots of trees and grassed area for them to explore and have oodles of fun. Our club features restaurant, meeting rooms, conference facilities and Banquet Halls. Please contact us for more information or to make reservations. You must also enjoy a meal and some refreshments in our licensed Bar. Your children can enjoy an ice cream or pop on those beautiful warm days when they need a retreat from mom and dad....

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