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Cinnamon Restaurant

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Fine Dining in Restaurants


St. Andrews Degree College Complex, Near Shashtri Chowk, Gorakhpur Ho, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh - 273001

Cinnamon, a fine dining multi cuisine restaurant situated in Gorakhpur, will immediately touch your soul and build an instant connect with you through its deep rooted ambiance which carries in the air a delicate scent of our profound blend of culture and cuisine.Cinnamon has proudly carved a niche for itself in the Mughlai,Tandoori and Chinese food. Full of character, warm hospitality and with a unique North Indian slant to the menu, Cinnamon has become an integral part of Gorakhpur’s favourite food joints. The wide array of dishes at Cinnamon have the power and taste which will keep pulling you back. Mr. Dinesh Singh, The Managing Director and visionary behind Cinnamon and Mr.Ravikar Singh , the Chief Operating Officer has a team of highly experienced professionals who make you feel regal, well fed, pampered and special each time you come to the restaurant . Mr.Ravikar Singh has successfully steered the organizationhe leads to become the major player in the sector in the city. He has always wished to serve society with food that touches the soul and brings to life the Indian culture....

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