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Seclude Ramgarh

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Hotels in Travel


14, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi - 110001

Tucked high into the side of an imposing mountain, Seclude Ramgarh overlooks a dramatic vista of an open valley and verdant hills. The three -bedroom bungalow is a spectacular home built on modern lines using traditional wood and stone. Surrounded by the tranquility and hushed serenity of the mountains, it is an ideal place to 'do nothing', or if you are feeling energetic, explore the nearby areas of Nainital, Bhimtal and the beautiful Temple of Bells. Every room has an ensuite bathroom, running hot and cold water, double beds, soft linen and duvets, and the most amazing views imaginable. A large living room acts as a common area to read and relax over a cup of fresh-brewed coffee. Simple and flavorful home-cooked meals are made using local produce, fresh fruits, milk and vegetables. Come watch the fireflies dance in the quiet of the night while you listen to the wind song of the mountains. ...

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