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G Cabs

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Car & Cab hire in Travel


Old Gurgaon Road, Ammunition Depot, Gurgaon, Haryana - 122001

GCabs is an initiative of the Apra Group Of Companies, a 2000 crore + turnover group, to provide a Radio Cab solution in Delhi & NCR. After a strong presence in the fields of Automobiles, Hospitality, Entertainment, Information Technology, Insurance, Handicrafts and chemicals, the Apra Group of Companies now puts forth a safer, relaxed and distinguished travelling facility with a an unmatched quality of customer satisfaction and fulfillment attached to it. We provide a 24x7 safe, enjoyable & convenient radio taxi service, bringing you an international commuting experience that is available everyday and at anytime. Our state-of-the-art cab technology, international systems of computerized online tracking of radio taxis through GPS/GPRS technology keep our cabs constantly under watch of the control room. Pre-approved rates and point-to-point metering and email billing ensure fairness, apart from safety and reliability. The critical difference between an ordinary taxi service and GCabs service lies in the investment that we make into training our chauffeurs. Our stringent conditions for engaging a chauffeur include address verification, complete medical checkup, testing of driving skills, ability to manage the on board technology on our vehicles, familiarity with your city and all the mandatory licensing criteria. And if a potential chauffeur meets these requirements, we put them through an intensive 5-day training program at Maruti School of Driving, where we impart knowledge on customer service, hygiene, and safe driving habits & how to handle an emergency. GCabs also provide fixed rental vehicle to corporate and retail market . Our target is to provide the best service to our guests for their transportation around Delhi and NCR . The provision of reliable cars at reasonable price with full comprehensive insurance , along with a very friendly service is our aim as well as to create a relationship of loyalty between our guests and ourselves....

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Ammunition Depot Area, Gurgaon
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