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Shootout Zone

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A- 265, Andheria Modh, Near Chattarpur Metro Station, New Delhi-110074

Paintball is a sport first played in 1981 in the U.S. state of New Hampshire, in which players compete, in teams or individually, to eliminate opponents by hitting them with capsules containing paint propelled from a device called a paintball marker. While oil-based paint was originally used, paintballs are now made of a special non-toxic, biodegradable, water soluble mineral-oil. The game is regularly played at a sporting level with organized competition involving worldwide leagues, tournaments, professional teams and players. Paintball technology is also used by armies to supplement military training, riot response and non lethal suppression of dangerous suspects Playing at the Shootout Zone is not like playing paintball game in any regular paintball arena. But you actually feel as if you are a part of a war. You get to have an experience of an army man who fights for his nation. Here you don't get a normal paintball experience but you get an experience of being on a war front....

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