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Adventure Island

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Metro Walk, Sector 10, Near Rithala Metro Station, Rohini, New Delhi - 110085

The Park has been designed by renowned Architects with experience of being a part of Universal Studio, Disney and others, successfully completing over 105 projects he entire park is covered over an area of 62 acres having extensive landscaping, water bodies, fountains making it a ‘Scenic Destination. The park has brand new rides of international standards imported from the leading ride manufacturers of the world. Some of the rides in the park will have their global launches at the Adventure Island The high standards of the rides and the uniquely designed support infrastructure of the Park gives each visitor a unique experience not offered by any other amusement or entertainment destination in the country. So, experience a new level of thrill, fun, adventure and unlimited rides with buy 1 get 1 offer on entry tickets at Adventure Island....

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