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Tansen Sangeet Mahavidyalaya

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F-14, IIIrd Floor, Main Road, Kalkaji, New Delhi - 110019

Tansen Sangeet Mahavidyalaya (TSM) was founded by Late Shri R. S. Verma (Sangeet Acharya) (1890-1991). It was established in the year 1972 in Hapur, District Ghaziabad (UP). He was born in Vhora Kareka, in District Aligarh (U.P.). He was a musician by birth as he learned music under the tutelage of his father Late Shri Hoti Lal Verma, who was a resident of Persoli, Mathura (UP) and lived during 1856 to 1948. He performed at many places in India with his group named Sangeet Mandli....

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