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2 Floor, Cross River Mall, Near Karkardooma Court, Karkardooma, Shahdara, New Delhi- 110032

The ‘5D Adventure’ is a mind-blowing interactive experience that is absolutely unbeatable. This state-of-the-art theatre attraction offers you a whole new definition of movie magic through the synchronisation of a full spectrum of visual effects, surround sound, individually-controlled motion seats and special "live" environmental effects. A high definition cross-eye 3D technology, specially engineered for motion viewing, remains strong with the dynamic position of the viewer’s head and gives a thrilling 3D effect. Other than the motion, the chairs have effects like neck tickler, back poker, butt tickler, leg tickler, air blast and water jet. The other effects in the theater comprise smoke, flash, rain, snow, wind, bubble and aroma. All the effects, combined together, indulge the viewers completely into the characters of the movies and the viewers feel themselves a part of the movie. They become so excited, thrilled and addicted that they wish to watch the movies again and again. ...

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